

The 1 hour of housework... worked. I just straightened up (with Alex's help - thanks babe) and left the mopping for today. Maybe I was okay with leaving it since I was in a lot of pain but whatever the reason, I don't feel bad about the house work.

I have been recording my daytime activities pretty throughly on the hour or so and that is going well. I haven't forgotten to do it or left anything out. At the end of the week, I'll post some highlights and what will be revamped.

Still I ask, Alex where are you on this? I thought we were going to do this together...


Today is the first time that my commitment will be tested. The apartment is a mess. Can I stick to my resolution to do just one hour of cleaning and be okay with either of two scenarios"

1) Everything gets a once over, nothing is very clean but its livable OR
2) One room gets very clean and the others stay sloppy until I can get to them




I am looking at the commitments I listed and I tried to categorize them. One that I kept coming back to was "Obligatory attendance at SW screenings and stuff". That is the thing that sticks out most in my mind as not giving me very much benefit nor do I enjoy it very much.

I am gong to ditch it.

I will only go attend things that I am interested in. Not that I feel like I should attend, nor will I go only because I feel the need to be there more often. I will take in the offerings as I find them interesting, not because I feel like I should find this interesting or that its important for me to see this. No guilt for not going either.

. . .

Starting on Sunday, I will go on to the third thing. Without Alex. (Babe! You are falling behind!) For one week, I will document what I do every day for my time. I will figure out where I waste time and what I can cut out. But more about that on Sunday.


So I am having a hard time with that commitment list that I made. I don't feel like its complete nor do I feel like I really made much of a commitment to drop anything. If only I could find something to help me figure out all of my commitments. The way I see it is that there has to be stuff I am forgetting because all the things on that list seem too important to cut out yet I need to cut something and there has to be something because I don't spend all my time doing that stuff. Maybe non-obligations count as commitments, say smoking pot...

Alex, where are you on this one?

I have spent so much of my work day trying to figure this out and I am getting nowhere just aggravated that I wasted most of my work day doing this. That seems to be indicative of something more. I think I need to move on.